Youth Center Project: A Place for Growth and Connection
The Islamic Center of Wheaton (ICW) strives to deliver quality engagement with the community ensuring that the teachings of Islam are intertwined with the relatability of the people and their reality within society today. Through the youth engagement , the Islamic Center of Wheaton will be widely considered as the Masjid for the people; truly a haven for those that are lost, learning, or seeking refuge in the words of Allah (SWT) and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
ICW recognizes the pivotal role that youth play in shaping the future of the community. To engage, empower, and foster meaningful connections among the youth, ICW’s has curated an array of dynamic programs designed to provide a platform for learning, growth, and social interaction.
The Spread Salams initiative at ICW is not just a discussion platform; it is a deliberate effort to provide high school and above youth with a space to connect, learn, and grow. The meticulous planning, consideration of participant needs, and strategic scheduling underscore ICW’s commitment to fostering a community where the youth can actively engage with their faith and each other in a meaningful way. As the program unfolds, it is poised to become a cornerstone for thoughtful conversations and personal development within the ICW community

Tailored exclusively for sisters aged 14-18, “A Better Muslimah” is not just a program; it is a journey of empowerment, connection, and self-discovery tailored exclusively for teenage sisters within the ICW community. By offering enjoyable activities and creating a supportive environment, ICW aims to contribute to the growth and development of these young sisters as they navigate the exciting and transformative years of adolescence. As the program evolves, it stands as a testament to ICW’s commitment to fostering a sense of community, sisterhood, and empowerment among its youth. Embarking on a delectable journey, the Islamic Center of Wheaton (ICW) introduces “Haanya’s Helpers Baking,” a monthly program curated for sisters aged 12 and above. Under the expert guidance, this initiative invites participants to delve into the art of baking, offering not only a culinary adventure but also a space for skillbuilding, creativity, and the forging of lasting sisterhood.